If you need any extra module, you just need to go to Cloud Code Section and upload in your "Cloud" folder a JSON file called "package.json" like this example below:
"dependencies": {
"module_name": "module_version"
It's also possible to install it setting a specific fork from GitHub:
"dependencies": {
"module_name": "git+https://github.com/user/module_name.git#master"
In the example below, we will install the "NodeMailer" module:
1 - Go to Cloud Code Card and click on "Settings". The page will look like this:
2 - Then, click on the "+ ADD" button, select your JSON file named "package.json" and upload it.
3 - Click on the "Deploy" button.
Done! The module has been installed! :D
NOTE: The "nodemailer" was only an example, you can install other modules as well. If you don't need to install other modules but need to use another version of any module installed on Back4App, you can use the same steps mentioned above.
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