There are 3 possible ways to change template email verification:
- Sendgrid:
- Mailgun:
- Change only Email Verification text:
You can change the plain text from the email verification that is sent to the client. To do this just go My Apps (top bar menu) > Server Settings > Verification emails.
Then follow this link here.
After the user confirms the email, he/she can be redirected to your own custom page.
1) Create your own HTML page called "verify_email_success.html", and upload it in Cloud Code section > public folder.
Don't forget to deploy it.
2) Go to Server Settings > Custom Parse Options.
3) Insert the following configuration:
"customPages": {
"verifyEmailSuccess": ""
Please note that you must have your own subdomain.
There are other options, such as redirect after changing the password. Please access the link below to check them out!
If you need any help, please contact support team!
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