At the moment or the future, would you like to share your techniques, tips and hints with us? We really appreciate your feedback.
Let's consider that you have accessed our FAQ and would like to contribute positively to some question, on the bottom of every article, there is a space for feedback, as in the image below:
And now, in the topics below, we will cite some examples of suggestions:
- An error or typo, or something that has become out of date.
- Something new to be added, such as a new page, or a screenshot.
- An new different topic to be comment or shared with new clients.
- Any idea for a new feature.
We would like to kindly ask you to feel the will to help us improve the quality of our services and we will work hard to do the best to get to it in a timely fashion.
We will prevail some important points, they're:
In some cases, the error found is totally essential to you and can make you annoying, so here are some considerations from our side:
- We can't forward everything: At some cases, your ideia is really cool for an improvement that can't be actioned no matter what we do, but it's a real doozy of an edge case, we have to weigh up whether it will help the majority of the users whether we should do something that more people are experiencing.
- There are real people at the other end helping you: We understand that when you find an error, it can be really frustrating, especially when it impacts your work or project. Please remember there are actual people reading all of this and triaging the tickets.
- Sometimes we can't get things done immediately: We understand some changes are pretty small, and it might seem like things are moving pretty slowly. If that's the case, rest assured we're working as hard as we can! No issue is unimportant, but often resource has to be focused on errors, rather than improvements.
Where can I find communication channels to Back4App ?
You can take a look at this article or if you prefer send a email to :)
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