We trust you are free to do what you want in your app, so, in this 3 steps tutorial, we'll show you how you can use your own verification email tool with Mailgun:
Step 1: Firstly, you need to install the parse-server-mailgun module in your cloud code, and the links below will help you with this step:
- NPM Module: parse-server-mailgun
- How to install an NPM module at Back4app?
Step 2: You need to deploy the Mailgun's templates (in your Cloud Code) and you can get these templates directly on its repository:
Remember, you should add both the .txt and .html files to the public folder of your cloud code.
Step 3: After these steps above, you only need to reach us sending your credentials, as you can see below:
- From Address - The sender email;
- Api Key - Your mailgun api key;
- Domain - provided by Mailgun;
- Your Back4app App ID - If you don't know where is this info, you can check this link: Where are my keys and ID?
Done! That's all that you need to do to use your own verification email tool! (:
If you use Sendgrid for sending your emails, you can check this guide: Using Sendgrid to Send emails.
Feel free to reach us if you have any questions.
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